
Reducing the distress of reduncancy for all involved

The impact of redundancy is often distressing for both employers and employees. Dealing with redundancy can be highly emotive for managers. Any announcement of pending redundancies will invariably have an adverse impact on staff morale, motivation and productivity. It is often clouded by uncertainty and requires careful and proper management.

Key points are to ensure early communications and consultation between management and employees.   The selection process for redundancy needs to be transparent and without bias. Employees react much better and are easier to manage when they acknowledge they are being dealt with openly and fairly.

Although, an employee is required to have 2-years service for a redundancy payment, dismissal due to redundancy can happen at any point. Redundancy can take place if any of the following contributing factors apply:

  • closure of a business
  • closure of the employee’s workplace
  • a diminishing requirement for employees to undertake the available work.

Due to the emotive nature of redundancy, there are various steps that need to be followed when considering making employees redundant. Working together with you People People HR can advise, provide guidance, manage and support this process for you ensuring legal compliance at every step. The remaining employees will also require support and this should not be overlooked.

Reducing the distress of reduncancy for all involved