
Reviewing your HR policies

“Change is inevitable in a progressive society” – Disraeli  

People People HR offer our clients an HR health check by reviewing your HR policies and processes for compliance, developing existing and introducing any new policy as necessary.   This extends to reviewing contracts of employment, ensuring your employee handbook is current or designing a new handbook to meet the needs of your particular business in order to better support your managers and employees fulfill their responsibilities.

On completion of the HR Policy health check a detailed report is produced that will propose recommendations or highlight any policy areas that would benefit from being updated.

People People HR also offers to develop with you a professional guide for Managers that will set out clear guidance and recommended actions to better equip them manage their HR responsibilities covering but not limited to the following areas:

  • The recruitment process.
  • Guidance on how to effectively manage disciplinary and grievance procedures.
  • Guidance and documents for the efficient conduct and management of performance   reviews and appraisal interviews.
  • A guide to successfully monitoring and managing absence and sickness.
  • Guidance on how to implement and manage TUPE Regulations (2006).
  • How to positively manage redundancy within your business.
Reviewing your HR policies